Monday, January 26, 2009

Namibia - A Bountiful Harvest Awaits the Adventure Traveler

Namibia is a largely dry country of the rigid rough hewn beauty. The clearest pictures are a frequenting color film landscape of the whirling orange dunes, the resplendent deceit pictures and the dangerous small hurricanes. Obvious devastation is deceitful and animal plants and even man to this environment adapted. The country is nearly particularly sketched with the Active and the Abenteuersucher in the understanding. Time lots deserts, Dornenbuschsavanne, hopeless wind geverw�stete coastal lines, majestic ravines and sun baked saltpans are the premium, which expects the traveler. Namibia `s of top side-taken off amount is the Etosha national park, which is taxable as one of Africa `s finest play already areas. Birding the experience in the country is really superior. On a Namibia safari the distance of the activities, which can do you the unsurpassable physical environment you hang-evenly, is really impressive. In the balloon ascending over the desert, skydiving over country and sea, paraglider flies are more whitewater, rafts and the sand ski driving along coastal dunes good activities for starters. More fun plays, to of to select cover the Abseiling - at most Spectacular of the rock of sport, coastal and fresh water fishing rods, desert camel riding, sport dipping, W�sten4x4 runs, a walking and mountain rise. Namibia has four clear geographical regions. In the north Etosha tub is, a large range for wildly living animals and heart Etosha of the national park. The slim Caprivi strip is genistet between Zambia and Botswana and is blessed a wet range of the Waldlandes with some rivers. Along the coast is the Namibi desert, which at the age of 80 million years old, the world `s oldest desert are. At the coast the icy cold Atlantic meets the flaming African desert, with which seal result fogs. Those good gew�sserte central Hochebene runs north to the south and carries schroffe mountains, excellent ravines, rocky Zutageliegen and expanding levels. Namibia, one and half times the size of France, are inhabited very meagerly and only 1,8 million souls carry. The people are so singular, as they live the country on. The most fascinating are well-known the San, otherwise one than shrub men. These, which are from the people at the robuststen, have a to a high degree advanced knowledge of their environment. It is an amazing thing, as well they are adapted to their difficult habitat. Simply you pausieren and think you that these are the only people in the world, which live without permanent entrance to the water. In the kalahari desert one of their domiciles, Oberfl�chenwasser is not to be found. Tubers, melons and other water-prominent plants as well as UntertageSchl�ckchenbrunnen supply their water requirements. In Namibia today, shrub men nummerieren approximately 50.000. Historians estimate that they, mostly as hunters and collecting tanks, lived for at least 25,000 years in these parts of the world. Shrub men speak in their own clicking language and are very talented in the arts of the stories telling, the Mimicry and the dance. Namibia `s other people, which are in-born in the continent, are mostly from the Bantu origin. Of it meant, to have arrived from west Africa approximately 2,400 years before. The African groups cover the Owambo, the Kavango, the Caprivians, Herero, the Himba, Damara, the Nama and the Tswana. The African aside, other groups contained approximately 15% of the population and played an important role in stepping out the modern nation. White Namibier amounts to approximately 120,00 and is main from the German and Africa the inheritance. Germans arrived in the important numbers after 1884, when Bismarck explained the country a German protectorate. Afrikander, which became carried white farmers Dutch origin, north of their capture-successfully, particularly after the Dutch cape colony the British 1806 left. These strongly independent people, whose ancestor in the cape of 1652 had lived, took British control badly. Two other clear groups lock the spectrum Namibia `s of the people - Basters and Coloureds. Colored in Namibia and in the southern Africa white refers for example to people of the mixed rassischen inheritance, black. They have a different identity and to breed. This is meaningful, which the opinion is that by South Africa the First World War one ran after to Namibia. Even in the VorApartheid South Africa, rassische classification was a beautiful art. The Africa-to-speaking Basters, descended off the hottentottischen women and off the Dutch Siedleren of the cape. Alienated from the white and black communities, trekked they nordw�rts and finally create its own city Rehoboth, 1871.

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